I have talked before about whether Honda's business is "sampo yoshi".
I said that the more work we do negotiating with suppliers for parts, the more frustrated our engineers must feel.
“The Three Joys” Honda philosophy
Price bargaining is not a process of creating new value. The only person who benefits from it is Honda.
Shoppers bargain at stores. It's the same thing.
The supplier (seller) loses and the user (the public) does not gain.
If the unreasonable price negotiation lowers the quality of the product and causes defects, all parties will be inconvenienced, resulting in a "three-way disaster.
Basically, business is about creating value, commercializing it, and getting people to buy it.
This is the proper way to do business.
It may sound like the pretty words of a naive person.
However, there is a saying, "karma is retribution," which means that what you do and say will come back to you. The animosity you buy from others will eventually come back to you.
Recently, there was a story in the news that the production of four-wheeled vehicles had to be reduced due to a shortage of semiconductors.
This is the first time that a company has been forced to reduce its production of automobiles due to a shortage of semiconductors.
In such a critical situation, to what kind of manufacturers will suppliers share their parts?
Of course, it is a business decision, so it will be a rational decision, but it is still "people" in there.
Would they be willing to share their valuable parts with a manufacturer who is too willing to take advantage of them?
As I mentioned earlier about "cause and effect," people's words and actions have become explosively easy to convey due to the spread of the Internet. Both bad reviews and high evaluations are instantly transmitted.
In other words, the cycle of cause and effect has become very fast.
It may be difficult, but I think now is the time to reflect on the teachings of "sampo yoshi" and "three joys.