退職した技術者が語るホンダの問題 迫りくる末路 ~終焉は近い?就職して良い?~

Does Honda have "aspirations"? -The Power of Dreams-

Elon Musk puts up $100 million for global carbon reduction competition | Article [AMP] | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-musk-carbon-capture-idUSKBN2A81EJhttp://Elon Musk puts up $100 million for global carbon reduction competition | Article [AMP] | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-musk-carbon-capture-idUSKBN2A81EJ

I think that Mr. Elon Musk has extremely high "aspirations" among American tech companies.

At the root of this is a strong desire to save people.

If we continue to emit exhaust gas and global warming continues, humanity will eventually die out.

Even before that, there will be many people who will die from natural disasters.

He also has an outrageous ambition to move to Mars, and has even created an aerospace company.
He is truly a man who is living his dream.

Forty years ago, Honda became the first company in the world to pass the Muskie Act, the world's strictest exhaust gas regulations.

Through repeated technological research, Honda was able to do so with the innovative technology of the CVCC engine.

I think Honda at that time had "aspirations" just like Mr. Musk.

Honda spent many years researching and perfecting the airbag, which at the time we did not even know if it would ever be realized.

They wanted to protect as many people's lives as possible. That must have been their single-minded desire.
Today, the use of airbags has become so widespread that there are no cars without them.

On the other hand, today.
The company's management disregarded the opinions of the people in the field by drastically shortening the development period, which led to a series of massive airbag recalls.

As a result of this series of incidents, mental illness spread throughout the company's research laboratories, and few employees took their own lives.

The situation created a bad image of Honda when it comes to recalls.

Honda's motto is "The Power of Dreams".

I hope that Honda will regain its aspirations and dreams.

-退職した技術者が語るホンダの問題 迫りくる末路 ~終焉は近い?就職して良い?~